This bonus episode of Queue Points focuses on the Banjee Boombox festival, a vibrant QTBIPOC celebration of diverse voices in music and art. Join us as we chat with festival performer Dai Burger about her artistic journey, her roots in Queens, and the importance of inclusive spaces like Banjee Boombox. Dai Burger shares insights into her unique brand, her latest project 'Dai Dreamin’,' and the fusion of music, fashion, and dance in her brand. Don't miss out on this exclusive feature and get ready for an exciting festival on August 3rd!
Topics: #Sponsored #BanjeeBoombox #QTBIPOC #LGBTQIA+ #MusicFestival #BlackPodcasters #BlackMusic #MusicPodcast
Dai Burger Bio
Dai Burger is a Hip-Pop star, Fashion icon, Trend Setter and your not-so-typical Role Model! Dai Burger's lyrics boast of Woman Empowerment & sexual liberation for all. Dai masters the art of appealing to her core audience, all while entertaining & gaining the attention of corporate Industry officials. Dai Burger's growing success can be attributed to her numerous mixtapes & videos which drove the internet into Burger Frenzies!
"Why the name Burger?", everyone asks. She'll Tell you "Just look at me. Everything I do, I eat. Not to mention I'm all about my cheese, my lettuce & my Bread! I'm out here serving this up Daily!"
Its Lunch time Children, and Dai Burger's here to feed you all until you're full. Hope you're hungry. . . .
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Opening Theme: Music by Danya Vodovoz
Mentioned in this episode:
Banjee Boombox
Get your tickets today for Banjee Boombox going down on August 3, 2024 at The Sultan Room Rooftop in Brooklyn, NY. Visit and use the code QUEUE to save $10!
Episode Transcript
*DISCLAIMER: Transcripts are created using AI, and may not accurately represent the content exactly as presented. Transcripts are provided as a courtesy to our listeners who require them.
[00:00:00] Introduction to Banjee Boombox Festival
Jay Ray: This week on Queue Points, we are celebrating the Banjee Boombox festival. Banjee Boombox is a fiscally sponsored, vibrant QTBIPOC festival, dedicated to the celebration, amplification and cultivation of safe spaces for the diverse voices of women, non-binary individuals and LGBTQIA+ artists, DJs and musicians. Their mission is to create an inclusive platform that not only showcases the incredible talent within the community, but also fosters an environment where every unique voice can be heard and appreciated.
[00:00:40] Meet Dai Burger
Jay Ray: On this episode, we welcome festival performer Dai Burger.
DJ Sir Daniel: Welcome back folks to another Queue Points podcast, exclusive as we continue to get you ready and hype for Banjee Boombox, August 3rd, and. Straight in the planet of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York. And there's going to be a plethora of performance artists, artists that are going to be there on the stage.
[00:01:07] Introducing Dai Burger
DJ Sir Daniel: And Jerry, we have the pleasure and the honor of speaking with one of the premier artists that is going to be showing up on the Benji boom box stage on August 3rd, I'm talking about none other Queue Points podcast family. Let's welcome Dai Burger. What's goodie Dai Burger. How
Dai Burger: Hey. Hey, y'all. What's up, team? Hey, Jay. Hey, Daniel.
DJ Sir Daniel: How you feeling today, first of all?
Dai Burger: I'm feeling good, you know, just getting excited, ready for all the festivities because, you know, it's almost that time. The annual Benji Boom Box is coming back, so I'm just getting in my feels and getting ready.
DJ Sir Daniel: Alright, so let's get, let's get right to it and introduce you to our Q Points podcast family.
[00:01:52] Dai Burger's Queens Roots
DJ Sir Daniel: You are from one of the est boroughs, and this is coming from somebody who grew up in Brooklyn, but you are come, you are from one of the est boroughs when it comes to hip hop and talent. I'm talking about none other than Queens.
Queens is a
Dai Burger: yes.
DJ Sir Daniel: hip hop. Location as far as history is concerned. Tell us about your connection and your roots, um, as far as the music is concerned and how Queens has kind of molded you as the artist you are today.
Dai Burger: All right. Well, I mean, growing up in Queens is just cool because, you know, your people from your neighborhood, all the people at your school, and, you know, some other neighborhoods, so you kind of get to know everybody. And this was before social media and stuff So if you were popular you was popular because it was popular in real life.
There was nothing to tell so it was all word of mouth Either you representin or, you know, they don't know you, so I just kind of always put on, represented. I was always kind of like a weird, fashion y kid, so I was known more for that. They like, she from Queens, but why she got a mohawk? Or like, why is she like, her sneakers all dirty and stuff?
You know, just doing different stuff, and I guess, you know, it just kind of helped me to stand out and always want to do something different, whether it was fashion wise or What clubs I was in. I like to dance a lot and just always be in the creative spaces at school, you know, so that, and I say that's clean because you have the New York fashion, you outside, you see what everybody else is wearing, but trying to put your own little spin on it.
So it's like just using your roots, but still being yourself. So I found a way to like navigate that, you
DJ Sir Daniel: And what part of Queens are you from again?
Dai Burger: I'm from like St. Albans, Laurelton, Cambria Heights. So that's like North Jamaica.
DJ Sir Daniel: Okay.
Dai Burger: Jamaican, yeah. Not Southside, not Southside, y'all.
DJ Sir Daniel: Absolutely. Cause you got North side, cause you've got all the influences right there in just one borough. And I just
Dai Burger: hmm.
[00:03:56] Building a Unique Brand
DJ Sir Daniel: let the people know, just give them a taste, a quick synopsis of Dai Burger, the performance artists and what they can expect on your latest project, which we're going to get into a little bit,
Jay Ray: Mm
Dai Burger: Yes, well, um, again, in always trying to, not trying to be different, and just always just kind of naturally being different, I always wanted to speak on topics that, like, maybe didn't exist. So my songs, I'm always thinking of just, like, What's a song no one's talking about? I want to be the one to talk about that.
So I would come up with these quirky ideas or things and they just, I would always bring them to life. Like I have this talent, I'll call it, of just thinking of something really cool and then finding a way to actually bring it to life. So I used to like, shoot my own videos, me and my best friend, with the phone or a little whatever little cameras we had.
So it was kind of just like, We didn't even know we were building a brand. We're just doing stuff, but the more you're consistent You're low key building a brand. So I was low key building a brand and didn't even know it We just thought we were like, let's put this video out Let's record this song on the macbook and put it out and when it's getting likes and views and repost you're like wait Hold on y'all like it You find ways like okay, what other kind of weird but cool.
Don't forget the cool pause still from queens What weird but cool things can I come up with so it was finding that balance and just putting it out and staying consistent really Yeah
[00:05:27] Fashion and Business Ventures
Jay Ray: us, so you have definitely highlighted this, the fashion piece. You are a fashion icon. The fashion piece is core to your brand, but you're, you're just a business woman in general. Like there's, we're going to talk about Daydream and the project in a second, cause we definitely want to ask about that.
But. But.
Dai Burger: The music's
Jay Ray: Yes, but let's talk about these other things because you're right, like it's so many layers. So the music is one aspect, but there's the fashion and there's your other ventures that are also really important. How did all of that stuff begin to materialize for you,
Dai Burger: So again, as you build the brand, you start realizing, alright, people watch and people like it. What can I give to people? So it's almost like when you plan your merch, or you start planning things that support the brand. So me, I remember doing a lip gloss tutorial on YouTube. And this was before, like, Tutorials, this is like the very peak of tutorials, and that's probably, it's still one of my like viral videos, and it's over a decade old.
People liked it so much, me talking about the lip glosses and the lipsticks, I was like, you know, one day, I'ma have my own lip line. Cause if they like it so much, I gotta have that available. And you know, it took a couple years, but I eventually created Lip Gravy Cosmetics, and it is my lip line. Thank you.
And of course I highlight unique and fun colors that don't really exist because that's, again, my lane. I want to give stuff that is not available. I always want to kind of, you know, give the other side of things. So I have colors. You wouldn't think the yellows, the weird blues and greens, and of course your reds, blacks, neutrals, but you're gonna find some color when you come to my side of things.
So it's all in the branding, it's all in offering the people something to support you, and you know, be a part of your brand, feel a part of it.
[00:07:17] Get Tickets for Banjee Boombox 2024: (Save $10 with the code QUEUE)
We need y'all to grab some tickets because Sir Daniel, we are going to be in person in your hometown on Saturday, August 3rd. That's right. We are headed to the planet of Brooklyn because QPoints is an official media partner for the Banjee Boombox Festival taking place at the Sultan Ween Rooftop. Yes, yes, Banjee Boombox is a QT BIPOC festival.
dedicated to the celebration, amplification, and cultivation of safe spaces for the diverse voices of women, non binary individuals, and LGBTQIA plus artists, DJs, and musicians. Some of the dopest artists in the game will be gracing the stage. Including acts like Sonny Chiba, Dave Berger, and Nitty Scott, among others.
It's going to be a great time. Come hang out with your boys and rock with these amazing artists. Get your tickets today for Banji Boombox. Visit qpnt. net forward slash banji24. Use the code Q to save 10 off your tickets today. That's Q U E U E. Doors open at 5pm y'all. Peace. Peace.
[00:08:39] Journey to Confidence and Success
Jay Ray: Question for you, because I'm sure that there are folks watching this and are like, I want to do what day is doing. Where did that come from? The confidence to just kind of lean into the fullness of who Dai Burger is. When did that kind of spark for you?
Dai Burger: you know, you it is a journey to find within yourself. So mine started again. So we said the fashion was always the standpoint for me and dancing was very strong for me at first. It was not, it wasn't the music at first. It was dance, but that's still, you know, the love of music. So I actually back up dance for Little Mama.
That's how I started. I auditioned like everyone else and I went through the processes and I was able to be one of her dancers for a long time and travel and kind of learn that world. And from that, when it was all said and done, I'm like, you know, I write poems. I, you know, I took my shit. Let me see what I got.
I took my stab at it with the YouTubes and the different things. It went from there. So it's kind of like finding what you like, finding what you want to do and finding a way to bring it to life. Throw a backdrop up, turn the light on. It's a video, you know, like just putting yourself out there, appearing at a lot of the parties hosting and like performing my little songs.
Now people know the song cause I've been, you know, moving the network. Gotta move around. So that's, that's thank you to New York City too. Take the train to Brooklyn. Post a rave out there, perform. Now they know my stuff out there. Now, you know, they asking for me in the city. And I'm just moving around. And it's, it's kinda just finding where you're wanted and flourishing there.
You know, at least trying to. Mm hmm.
DJ Sir Daniel: know what you said, you just hit the nail on the head about finding somewhere where you are not just tolerated, but you're a. appreciated. And that brings us right to Benji boombox.
[00:10:38] The Importance of Safe Spaces
DJ Sir Daniel: And before we get into what the folks can expect from you and your performance, just talk about the importance of a space like Benji boombox and other spaces like it to an artist like a burger.
Talk about how important those places are.
Dai Burger: Safe space collectives are very important right now, especially this day and age. We have so many people to include and not exclude, and it's just, it's so important because again, when I did start performing, it was like the hood was meeting like the underground culture, meeting the rave culture. It all came together into this conglomerate that didn't really exist before.
Like the hood was partying in the hood. The weirdos, we was partying, you know, so when it came together, it's like, now we have this space. We have allies, you know, maybe you don't identify the same, but it was building like allyship. So it's important. I love open spaces where it's welcome. It's for us, period.
But it's also open for those who are allies and support and want to support. And it's just important. It's just very important So
DJ Sir Daniel: Amazing. And so
Dai Burger: banjee boom. Shout out to banjee boombox because they do bring a space like that. Everyone's included. Everyone's highlighted and Praised in their own sense of being themselves and being open and excited to just shine, you know
Jay Ray: Yeah.
[00:12:08] What to Expect at Banjee Boombox
DJ Sir Daniel: And so we, we know you, you bring in the dance aspect as, as well as the, the flows. So like, tell us what, for those who haven't seen a Dai Burger show, like what can we expect?
Dai Burger: can expect me
Jay Ray: Yeah.
Dai Burger: And i'ma be done up like i'm chilling right now We chilling in the crib, but I come through I usually have two dancers and so with me We have our choreography. Do not play with us. We have our little synchronized spits, we got bubble guns, we got confetti, we got candy burgers, like it's kind of, I won't say a shit show, but it's the kind of shit like you want to be up in, if so, if it's a shit show, you want to put in some shit with me, cause it gets real fun, it gets really fun. is the shit show? In the best way.
[00:12:59] Dai Dreamin': The New Project
Jay Ray: So day you have your newest project daydreaming, which I've been humming daydreaming and I'm thinking all day. Like I just been just humming listening to your project. Tell us a bit about for this project. What did you want to accomplish? What do you want people to experience when they go and they press play on daydreaming?
Dai Burger: Well, Daydreamin I just tapped into myself a little more because, uh, again, I started where I started but I've come so far and I've put out so many mixtapes and so many EPs and they always, I'm not gonna say gimmicky, but you know I always have like Something I'm curating. I curate a vibe for each project.
So this one, it wasn't as curated. It was just dedicated to me. Cause it was spelled D. A. I. Daydreaming,
the little Damien, and, uh, you can see her on the EP cover. So, you know, everybody has to have that one childhood album cover, you know, dedication. And that was mine. And it was just a reminder, like, you know, like you did that girl, like, started here and you really never gave up.
So keep daydreaming, keep building, you know, feel good about whatever you're doing. That's the only way to make it work. You gotta come full force. So it's an ode to just coming full force, being yourself and blossoming in your own life. And I feel like that's what I've done and am doing. So I want everyone to have that epiphany too.
DJ Sir Daniel: You know, Jerry, I, what just struck me is that I don't know if it's a Queens thing, but so like you said, the day dreaming album cover is little Damien.
Dai Burger: It is. Thank you for saying my name right.
DJ Sir Daniel: Absolutely. Jerry, who started that? Nas,
Jay Ray: Nas did! Yes!
DJ Sir Daniel: with the kid, with the childhood cover. So it's, it's a Queens
Dai Burger: to Queensbridge.
DJ Sir Daniel: a Queens thing.
[00:15:02] Closing Remarks and Farewell
DJ Sir Daniel: And so before we wrap up, please, Dave Berger, please tell the folks, our, um, our Queue Points podcast listeners, how they can become a part of your, your clique and follow you and just keep up with all the things that you're getting, that you're putting out and being involved in.
Dai Burger: Oh my goodness, yes. Well, first off, you gotta just follow me because I'm always posting flyers and events uh, when people come into town I'm the first person they should just be hitting up because I, you know, I usually know what's going on. I have so many DJ friends and promoter friends and they always keep me abreast of everything going on so I just keep my ears to the street and if you follow follow Your ears to the street too because I'm going to always share and always promote what's coming up next like the bingy boomer
Jay Ray: Absolutely. Speaking of so for Dai Burger, thank you so much for stopping by and hanging out with us. So if y'all listening, watching, however you are tuning in, be at Banjee Boombox on August 3rd Dai Burger will be on stage, giving y'all everything that you need. Q points. We are going to be We're going to be in
Dai Burger: Yes
Jay Ray: So come hang out at Banjee Boombox, uh, August 3rd. Dai Burger. We can't wait to see you and just watch the performance and just hang out.
Dai Burger: Thank you Queue Points podcast. We in brooklyn Let's get it
DJ Sir Daniel: I love that.
Dai Burger: y'all owe me a dance. All right,
Jay Ray: Listen, we don't even play on. There's no games on the dancing front on
DJ Sir Daniel: Heard. Heard. Already. Say less. As the kids say, say
Jay Ray: Oh Thank you day
Dai Burger: I appreciate you
[00:16:57] Closing Theme